Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek, number 6
It is with great pleasure that I can confirm we will be having Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek number 6 in Reading this Autumn. We are in the very early stages of planning so watch this space for more dates and details!
Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek has in the past been held at Tilehurst Active Vetcare Centre. Guinea pigs recieve a free thorough health check from a knowledgable vet who is  familiar with treating guinea pigs and has many among their clients. With the cost of vetcare rising when the need for it is obviously the same, this is something not to be missed.
There are also a limited number of goody bags available, stuffed with goodies for guineas. Our supporters The Hay Experts and Gorgeous Guineas generously donate their guinea pig friendly products to this event and offer advice from their specialist fields.
To increase awareness of the correct basic needs and care of guinea pigs we have the use of a display board during the wheek which we hope goes a little further in sharing that vital basic information that every guinea pig owner needs to know.
September 5, 2015
Posted in: Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek