… Bumble…
Last month beautiful Bumble left us to be a Star on Planet Guinea. She’s the dark fuzzy one with a gold patch. She bumbles around in the background but can forcefully move forward when she wants and is very vocal about it.
Bumble arrived here in January 2014, just days after we’d said goodbye to Bee; Bumble’s elderly friend had died and her Humans no longer wanted to keep Bumble, we had previously arranged that I should take Bumble back (she was a rescue I rehomed) when the time came.
Last September I noticed a hard patch on Bumble’s cheek, by the next day it had, what I can only describe as thickened, and my first thoughts of it being an abscess were being confirmed. A visit to see our vets confirmed this, by now the abscess had grown even more (in just a day), on the way to the vets it burst letting out a particularly foul smell. At the vets it was decided that because of the site of the abscess and the likely effect it could have on her teeth it would be better for her to have an op sooner rather than later. Ordinarily an abscess would be lanced and flushed (by the owner too) twice daily (or more/less). Such a difficult decision, the cost was going to be in excess of £150 and there was no guarantee it would cure her, it would give her the best chance of survival though, but it would mean lots of aftercare- flushing the abscess, giving medicines and maybe syringe feeding if her teeth and mouth became affected. Lets just say lots to think about and lots of emotion, at least I had no worries vet wise; Sally Ward at Tilehurst Active Vetcare is always very thorough with consultations, ensuring you have all the facts so you can make an informed decision and you know your guinea is in good hands.
I wasnt too suprised Bumble had come through the op but I was very relieved and justy wanted to get her home and watch to see if she was back to “normal” save for her crater in her cheek and saggy chin. Thankfully she was eating well. In order to give the operation the best chance of success it was vital that her wound was flushed twice daily and medicines were given at the right times. I work full times so it was a case of setting the alarm early and getting up at Stupid O’clock…
After a problem free winter Bumble suddenly became very lethargic one day in March, she was thought to have an infection but despite antibiotics and meds to get her gut moving again she went downhill very quickly and left us early one Sunday afternoon, the afternoon after the morning I had made the decision to have her put to sleep on the Monday as she was not improving, at least she chose her own time to go….
No one has replaced her as lead vocalist yet nor does anyone love broccoli like she did!
Bumble, she was all about bumps, wheeks and broccoli 🙂