Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek Number 6!
Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek enables guinea pigs to have a free health check with a vet and bring home a goody bag of quality products for guinea.
This year Beechwood Active Vetcare are doing their first ever Welfare Wheek under the guidance and watchful eye of Jenny Brown who has been part of Welfare Wheek since the idea was born. The nurses at Beechwood are showing their enthusiasm by putting up a wonderful display of information posters with cute pigtures of guinea pigs to draw your attention to the display- OFSTED would be proud!
This years@ goody  bags have variable contents, all quality, every bag has a Gorgeous Guineas Shampoo and several Bags of Fun provided by Guinea Pig Welfare. We have ensured that both practices have some hay samples, either Timothy Hay from B&M or some hay in a labelled Hay Experts bag. Some bags will also have dried herbs and dry food for your guinea pig to try.
This was Aurora’s first visit to see vet Hannah but Hannah is very confident, though gentle when handling guineas. Apollo was so at ease he didn’t need to be towel wrapped when Hannah looked at his teeth using the separators.
Fudge, previously a little overweight,weighed in a bit lighter which pleased Jenny!

Fudge’s Goody Bag and presents of Gorgeous Guineas’ shampoo, B&M Timothy Hay with dandelions and marigolds and more!
November 10, 2015
Posted in: Planet Guinea