Wheekerpedia: D
D is for:
Dandelion: The leaves of Dandelions are a great favourite with guinea pigs, although they have a comparibly high Calcium level at some times of the year because they are a leafy green it is extremely hard to overfeed Calcium to a guinea pig. It is the amount of Calcium in relationship to the amount of Phosphorus and other minerals that is important, but even then no one knows how the guinea pig will metabolise what it has been fed. Be particularly careful of feeding Dandelions when conditions have been damp; an orange fungus can often be seen on Danelions around late August/early September, but also in damp conditions.
A spotted variety of guinea pig that has a white blaze. Comes in a variety of colours.
Dandruff: Technically a guinea pig with dandruff has a fungal infection.
Dengie Medibed: A short, chopped, “treated” straw that is an equine bedding but suitable for guinea pigs. Dengie site: Click here.
Dental Problems: Where possible dental problems should be treated by a vet that does not need to use anaesthetic.
Diarrhoea: Maybe acute (comes on suddenly and lasts a shorter time than chronic) or Chronic which lasts for longer. Must always be treated/investigated by a vet. Acute diarrhoes is usually viral or bacterial wheras Chronic can be a symptom of something more serious, though diarrhoea in itself is a very serious condition for such a small animal because of the risk of dehydration. The condition is particularly serious where there is blood in it and veterinary attention must be sought.
Droppings vary in size and sometimes in shape. Get to know what your guinea pigs’ dropping look like, they are a good indicator of a change of intake in diet and possibly a change of health.
Dutch: A patched/banded variety of guinea pig that comes in several colours. Dutch guineas have a blaze, characteristic cheek patches, the back half of the body is coloured and the middle is white. The feet have “stops” half white and half coloured (same as body colour).