Active Vetcare Tilehurst

All our guinea pigs are taken to the Active Vetcare Practise on School Road, Tilehurst.

Jenny Towers has seen lots of our boars for castrates. We have a 100% success rate with them. When our boars come home they are happy and eating.

In addition Jenny also does dental work and x-ray without the use of anaesthetic.

She has lanced many an abscess for us and advised accordingly on the after treatment.

Jenny is also good at the day to day consults making accurate and sensible diagnosis.

Sally Ward is an excellent surgeon who has recently joined the practise. She has castrated a couple of our boars and made a very good job. They came round from the operation quickly and were soon up and eating.

Hannah Hatreed (currently on maternity leave)  is a fairly new vet and is demonstrating a good understanding of guinea pigs and their needs. We have seen her for several consults and always been happy with her diagnosis and treatment. Hannah has recently castrated some boars for RGPR and we were very pleased with her neat stitching, the boars were up and had recovered from the anaesthetic well within the hour after the operation.

Tilehurst Veterinary Centre

19 School Road



Berkshire RG31 5AR

By bus: The number 17 bus from the town centre stops right outside the surgery (Whitehouse stop).

Tilehurst Veterinary centre is within walking distance of Pets and Plants on Armour Road, Pets and Plants stock Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, Oxbow hays and Burns Hays.

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