Piggy PM Number 6!
On the 27 November Guinea Pig Welfare held the sixth Piggy PM at Tilehurst Active Vetcare Centre. There were approximately 40 visitors counted coming through the doors raising a grand total of £126.45, this will go towards the extension of the shed that houses Reading Guinea Pig Rescue’s guests.
Many thanks to Jenny for giving up her time to host the event and to Chrissie of Gorgeous Guineas and Lisa of the Hay Experts for attending, once again. Their support is valued greatly. We would also like to thank Supreme Petfoods for their kind donations of goodies for the goody bags for not just the Piggy PM but for Guinea Pig Welfare Week as well. They included some very comprehensive literature. Wagg donated samples of their Wagg Optimum pellet and Wagg Guinea Pig Mix, Dust Free Hay sent us hay to stuff in Bags Of Fun, Gorgeous Guineas provided samples of shampoo and Petlife have provided Oxbow samples for the Guinea Pig Welfare Week Bags.
A comparibly quiet Piggy PM this time has made us evaluate a few things for next time. We are planning to have our next Piggy PM in Spring 2011 but with a few alterations here and there, these are still to be decided but will only be for the benefit of guineas, taking into consideration the time and effort that the Humans put into these open afternoons. We also have the go ahead to have another Guinea Pig Welfare week next year.
The day is never complete without the support of the people that attend these open days, without them there would be no point; once again thank you to EVERY ONE who came 🙂
November 29, 2010 Posted in: Planet Guinea