Guinea Pig Welfare Week 2011
Active VetCare Tilehurst held their second Guinea Pig Welfare Week starting 7 November 2011. In 2010 Karen tentatively decided to give the week a go based on the format used by Rabbit Welfare. As it was the first time there was no real pressure, if the guinea pig community wanted it it would be up to them to take part. After a more successful first Guinea Pig Welfare Week than the 2010 Rabbit Welfare week (at Tilehurst surgery), it would have been, perhaps, foolish not to organise a second one!
Gorgeous Guineas and Supreme once again provided useful items for the goody bags: some kind yet effective shampoo from Gorgeous Guineas and Science Selective food from Supreme as well as some of their informative literature. Guinea Pig Welfare added other useful literature.
In total 30 guinea pigs were given a free health check; there were a few fungal skins and one skin problem that needed a follow up appointment. All teeth were ok, as Jenny Towers can do conscious dentals any dental patients would have been in good hands. Jenny was kind enough to allow Guinea Pig Welfare to put up a large display which stayed up for the month, not just during Welfare Week!
Nothing has been discussed yet but we look forward to a 2012 Guinea Pig Welfare Week and there have been mutterings of other surgeries doing the same on a similar format. That is down to the guinea pig enthusiasts of the guinea pig community to organise but Guinea Pig Welfare have been happy to share information etc with interested parties. Many thanks to those who took part in this year’s event, without you it won’t happen, you are important to the guinea pig community and in promoting good veterinary/healthcare for guinea pigs 🙂
December 5, 2011 Posted in: Health
One Response
Guinea Pig Welfare » Just Another Year? - April 2, 2012
[…] The Hay Experts, Gorgeous Guineas and the band of enthusiastic volunteers. 2011 also saw the second Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek which reached a larger number of guineas than the first one did, thanks to Jenny Towers of Active […]