… Mr. Fantastic
This wheek Mr. Fantastic went to be a star on Planet Guinea. He’s the dark one with a light underside and points, can be seen hanging back in the dark night sky, very obvious if you look for him…
Mr. Fantastic arrived here as head of the herd when the lovely Cloud left us to become a star on Planet Guinea. He spent two wheeks on his own while he got over his little op and was then introduced to the girls. Mr. Fantastic was not a bossy assertive boar which meant he was accepted readily by the girls, a few of whom had somewhat outgoing characters!
Mr. Fantastic didn’t “keep the peace” between the girls, Mr. Fantastic was Peace it self, Radiating vibes of calm and modelling chilled out behaviour as the norm he soon, like Cloud had previously, was leading by example as opposed to action. His favoured sows seem to change from wheek to wheek and the new sows were always immediately embraced by his attentions, and no one ever questioned or disagreed with him. Although when Miss Gorgeous and Bee were introduced to the herd last year it was very obviously Bee that was embraced, Miss Gorgeous never did get her initial welcome! It was, seemingly, all or nothing with him.
Apart from his castration Mr. fantastic only visited the vets once, he had a suspicious lump near his genital region that was getting bigger and seemed to be interfering with his movement slightly. No definite diagnosis could be given and the treatment was to monitor it further. The lump disappeared as mysteriously as it arrived but Mr. Fantastic always walked with a slightly out turned hind leg and it it seemed to be very gradually getting “more out turned”. He went through a phase where one of his front pads was getting sore, suggesting that he was putting more weight on it. For a while he had some Gorgeous Guineas‘ Perfect Paws ointment on it, it healed and didnt seem to trouble him again, maybe an indication of how his gait was changing. Mr. Fantastic was perfectly mobile, however much of a cuddle pig he was he didnt like being picked up and would scamper away!
Mr. Fantastic was my top cuddle pig, melting into my arms or chilling out on my lap, he was always my first port of call if I needed a guinea pig cuddle.
The most outstanding moment with Mr. Fantastic’s herd life was when Breeze was introduced to the herd. As ever the girls were curious and then accepted her although she was still a little shy. Zen, however, was not so accepting and insisted on challenging new girl Breeze and constantly “bothering” her. Things got to a point when Mr. Fantastic chased Breeze into a litte house and then stood outside the entrance and discouraged Zen from coming near. After a few hours of Mr. Fantastic’s interventions breeze was allowed to mix with the girls. It worked, whatever it was he did, Breeze is now a happy herd member…
Mr. Fantastic’s departure was completely unexpected, a complete shock, but if I am honest part of me is happy that he chose to go when he did, he would have been just 5 in August, but he saved me from potentially having to make the decision about having him put to sleep when his leg got too bad and he had no quality of life.
Karen, missing my boy’s cuddles…
April 20, 2013 Posted in: FaceBook/You Tube, Planet Guinea, The Pig Issue