April, Husbandry
“animal husbandry: care and raising of domesticated animals” defintion of husbandry from ask.com
During April our theme is Husbandry- the care and management aspects of.
We will be looking at basic care, based on the 5 Freedoms as recommended to DEFRA Â by the RSPCA. Points we will cover are:
A proper diet, including fresh water. Fresh food at least twice daily, unlimited good hay, with hay making up the main part of the overall diet.
Somewhere suitable to live. 4 foot by 2 foot/120cm by 60cm accommodation for two guinea pigs.
For any need to be housed with or apart from, other animals. Guinea pigs are sociable and must be housed with other compatible guinea pigs (not rabbits).
The ability to express normal behaviour. To be able to burrow in hay, run and have shelter to ‘hide’ in if desired. To have a friend(s) in the correct living sized accommodation.
Protection from and treatment of, illness and injury. Access to a guinea pig competent vet, find one before you need one!
Some of these will only be covered briefly because they are being covered in depth in a future month.
April 1, 2013 Posted in: Husbandry, Inside The Hutch