Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek 2014



Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek 2014 will be the fifth one we have held. They were born at the end of a Piggy PM when we discussing how we could take things further, senior vet, Jenny Towers (now Brown) agreed that a welfare wheek, along the lines of the Rabbit Welfare Week, would be a good idea and was something she would be happy to support.

The time could not have been better as I was planning on giving up rescue soon but still wished to contribute something worthwhile to the guinea pig community, particularly Jo Public as basic information that is accurate can be difficult to find.

The Hay Experts and Gorgeous Guineas agreed at once to support me with goodies for goody bags and advertising for the event, so, Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek was born!

However this year has seen some changes at Active Vetcare with Jenny (Brown) on maternity leave but true to all things Active Vetcare Tilehurst the tradition of Welfare Wheek and sharing of information has continued. Sally Ward has been most helpful in helping with the organisation of this year’s Welfare Wheek.


November 10, 2014   Posted in: Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek