March, 4 Guinea Pig Rescue…

The Guinea Pig Welfare theme for March is “March, 4 Guinea Pig Rescue”. During March we will be looking at different aspects of Guinea Pig Rescue. To contribute to our feature visit our Facebook page here and leave your comments. We will be featuring some rather influential rescue guinea pigs and seeing what part they have played with their contributions to Pigdom. Guinea Pig Welfare believes every guinea has a story to tell and that is their contribution to Pigdom, all they need is a Human to tell that story.

We want to explore the running of rescues and their rights and responsibilities both to the law and to the guinea pig community but most importantly to guinea pigs.

  • What should the role of a rescue be?
  • What are the basic guidelines a rescue must adhere to in order to be a reputable source?
  • What is/can the rescue movement do to improve the life of guinea pigs in general?
  • Should guinea pig rescues just focus their attention on guinea pig enthusiasts or should they be accessible to all?
  • Are rescues regulated? If not should they be and what should the regulations be?
  • Do enough businesses support guinea pig rescues and do rescues support businesses enough?
  • Should we support all rescues because they are quite simply a rescue with good intentions? Is that always enough?

Are these the questions we should be asking during rescue month or are there more?

What guinea pig website will you find Chiara (from Reading Guinea Pig Rescue, now closed) on?

What guinea pig website will you find Chiara (from Reading Guinea Pig Rescue, now closed) on?


March 3, 2013   Posted in: Inside The Hutch, March 4 Rescue Guineas, Planet Guinea