The Dawning of a New Era…

Around this time of year I have a Piggy Pm at Active Vetcare in Tilehurst with the help of some very willing volunteers and support from Gorgeous Guineas and The Hay Experts. The afternoon involves raising funds for Reading Guinea Pig Rescue, but primarily raising awareness of the correct care of guinea pigs among the local community. So far we have also had 2 Guinea Pig Welfare Wheeks which are run along similar lines to the rabbit Welfare week; this came about during one of the Piggy PMs when we were throwing ideas around about what else would be beneficial to the community.

Reading Guinea Pig Rescue closed it doors last year after over 10 years of rescue and rehoming, we have pledged to take back any guineas that we rehomed during that time if need be (part of the reason for closing now and not when I wasn’t in a position to be able to that). Because of that I have no cause to raise money for (within the community of Reading) and awareness is being promoted through Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek, I am also going to redo the information folder that is in the reception at the vets. There is no longer any real need for Piggy PMs, Guinea Pig Welfare can move forward without them, that said they and the volunteers and everyone who has come to them have been a vital cog in the wheel that ios moving us forward. Big thank you to all the volunteers over the years, to everyone who supported by coming along, to Gorgeous Guineas and The Hay Experts for supporting the events and coming along with their guinea pig friendly products, also to Active Vetcare for letting me stage the Piggy PMs there and later the Guinea Pig Welfare Wheeks.

I am looking forward to continuing “working” in and with the guinea pig community, reaching the people who want and need it most and evolving towards whatever it is that has been set out for us 🙂

Hay Expert Lily

May 13, 2012   Posted in: Piggy PMs, Rescue