Author Archive

That was the pig that was…

Zola… On Ninth November 2012 the lovely Zola went to be a Star on Planet Guinea; she’s the dark but prominent one, soft, blunt edges, still and silent but capturing your gaze with hers… Missing You is easy, Remembering You is not, I want to feel your gaze, Smell your warmth, See your thoughts as […]

November 11, 2012   Posted in: Planet Guinea  No Comments

Fireworks and Guineas… Or Not.

A Few Firework Related Facts: But first, fireworks are NOT fun for guinea pigs, fireworks are loud, sudden noises that come from nowhere. It’s the fact that they come suddenly, with no warning and are unfamiliar that frightens guineas. Whilst Guineas adjust to the sound of the vacuum cleaner and other household noises this is […]

November 3, 2012   Posted in: Health, Miscellaneous, Seasonal care  No Comments

Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek 2012

Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek evolved from a Piggy PM I did at Tilehurst Active Vetcare, afterwards we were discussing how rabbits have a welfare week and not guineas. It was suggested that we trial one along the same lines, in fact it turned out to have more clients than the rabbit one in the same […]

November 1, 2012   Posted in: Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek, Planet Guinea  No Comments

Happy Halloween, but did you know..?

Some frighteningly funny and seriously spooky facts about guineas… Guinea pigs eat their soft droppings, known as coprophagy, to obtain vitamins not taken in the first time around. Guinea pigs frequently live until 6 years, and more and sometimes to 9 or even more! Some guineas are great hairdressers and will give their friends a […]

October 31, 2012   Posted in: FaceBook/You Tube, Health  No Comments